Accreditation and Simulation Centre (ASC) of Almazov Centre was established in 2011 to improve the quality of medical care through practice-oriented high-tech training of medical staff in a patient-safe setting, including in situ.
ASC has three units:
– Simulation Training Unit
– Live Tissue Simulation Training Unit
– Medical Certification and Accreditation Unit
The main goals are:
– to develop and maintain optimal sensorimotor skills that are necessary for surgery, emergency care, medical and diagnostic procedures,
– to practice certain manipulations and develop a complex clinical thinking and clinical algorithms for complex cases,
– to practice first aid skills in teamwork and in a mobile team using innovative learning technologies,
– to carry out medical accreditation (a state procedure required for admission to medical practice).
The Centre uses state-of-the-art training facilities and technologies:
• Full scenario & video-based debriefing – all training sessions are recorded for further analysis and discussion during debriefing
• VR simulation training using VR training simulators and interactive virtual systems
• Standardized patient and hybrid simulation modalities
• Experimental operating room for surgery on large animals
Thirty educational programs, more than 100 training films, over 200 practical modules are available on the training portal of the Institute of Medical Education for distance learning.
Every year, the ASC conducts more than 1,500 onsite trainings for students, residents and doctors. We also offer first aid courses for teachers, childcare workers and anyone who wants to learn the skills needed to help in a first aid emergency.
Simulation training is carried out using advanced technologies on simulators with real equipment. The Accreditation and Simulation Center has a wide range of specialized simulators, simulation robots, dummies, phantoms and models.
A Dry Lab provides high-fidelity patient simulators with AI and innovative VR simulators:
– Medical robots Apollo and PediaSim (CAE Healthcare, USA), Noelle (Gaumard, USA), Resusci Anne & Junior (Laerdal, Norway) and other simulators for skills training (including management of emergencies) in adults and children and assessment of clinical performance
– BodyInteract (Take The Wind, S.A, Portugal), a cutting-edge Virtual Patient Simulator to improve the trainee’s critical thinking and decision-making skills and practice diagnosis skills in a safe and controlled environment
– Communication robot Virtubot (Russia), a standardized patient for practicing communication skills for doctor-patient interaction
– Angio Mentor Flex II System Simulator (Simbionix, Israel/USA) for hands-on practice of endovascular interventions in an extensive simulated clinical environment
– Vimedix (CAE Healthcare, USA), a high-fidelity ultrasound simulator offering a comprehensive library of modules with more than 120 tasks and virtual patient cases
– BESTA video simulators for endosurgical skills training, automatic assessment and examination under basic endosurgical training and certification program
– К-plus (Kioto Kagaku, Jahan) and Harvey®, Cardiopulmonary Patient Simulator (USA / Norway) for teaching and practicing heart and lung auscultation skills
The Live Tissue Simulation Training Unit provides an experimental operating room for practicing surgical skills on laboratory animals, including large ones, using organs and tissues (Wet Lab). The goal is to allow surgeons of various specialties practice their skills in a safe and realistic setting. Key programs include basic training in minimally invasive colorectal, abdominal, laparoscopic, thoracic surgery, courses on the effective and safe use of technologies for tumors and metastases of parenchymal organs, a basic course in microsurgical techniques, basic skills in endovideosurgery and basic course in surgery for surgical nurses.
Primary specialized accreditation is provided for 12 specialties. ASC assists in preparation for an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) in the following specialties: Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cardiology, Clinical Laboratory Medicine, Neurology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Medical Radiography, X-Ray Endovascular Diagnostics and Treatment, Cardiovascular Surgery, Internal Medicine, Medical Ultrasound, Endocrinology.
ASC provides a venue for master classes and academic competitions, including the finals of the All-Russian Student Competition in Cardiovascular Surgery and the live stage of the All-Russian Student Competition in Cardiology as part of the Almazov Youth Medical Forum.
Specialists of the Accreditation and Simulation Centre are active contributors to research projects: “A database for analyzing the situational behavior of doctors based on AI models and methods using a patient’s digital twin”, “Teaching communication skills using robotic patients” and other Russian and international projects.
They participate in major conferences and international forums on modeling and simulation in healthcare organized by the Russian Society for Simulation Education in Medicine (ROSOMED), IMSH – Society for Simulation in Healthcare (SSH), Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine (SESAM) and other forums.
ASC specialists authored over 50 publications on modeling in medicine, including chapters in 4 national guidelines on simulation training in General Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics and the chapter “In Situ Training” in the National Guidelines for Medical Simulation Training Specialists.