The electronic catalog contains bibliographic records for all documents and materials stored in the Library’s fund.
Rules for compiling a query when searching:
After selecting the required search area (keywords, author, title, year of publication), enter a query in the input field:
When searching by keywords, a natural language phrase. Keywords are formed from almost all fields of the bibliographic description. The phrase is parsed into separate words (numbers are not taken into account!), which are morphologically normalized (only for Russian words!). When searching by keywords, an algorithm for ranking the found documents is used: the list of search results is sorted in descending order of document rank. The more words from the query in the found document, the closer these words are to each other and the greater their total weight, the higher the position of the document in the search result.
The “Find similar” link, which is shown in the bibliographic description of the found records, generates a ranked search query that includes all the keywords of the record.
When searching by author or title — last name or the beginning of the title (if it is known exactly). In this case, only one author (or one title) should be entered.
When searching by year, the year of publication (single number).
Having received the search result, you will be able to “refine” your request in the same way (search in the found).