Specialist’s degree from the Institute of Medical Education is an innovative educational program.
Almazov National Medical Research Centre has state-of-the-art facilities and highly qualified staff to provide an innovative platform for integration of science and education and ensure innovative development for medical training based on basic and applied scientific achievements using digital educational technologies in line with the market needs.

The specialist’s program implies an interdisciplinary interaction, the integration of research and practice, early patient contact (small group learning).
The purpose of this program is to provide practically oriented basic professional education consisting of more than 100 disciplines and practical courses. It supplies graduates with a new way of thinking, who will succeed as doctors of the future.
The comprehensive program in General Medicine is continually evolving in line with the modern trends.
An important task in the first years of study is to provide students with systemic fundamental knowledge and skills in biological, biochemical and biophysical processes, natural science view and logic of thinking, a comprehensive systematic approach to the analysis of human body systems in health and disease, which are necessary for the subsequent successful understanding of clinical disciplines and will form the basis for preparing doctors of a new format based on translational medicine.
The requirements for professional competencies, the so-called hard skills, are changing rapidly, while universal skills (communication, teamwork, analytical thinking, creativity, etc.) are of particular importance, as they help to adapt to constantly changing conditions. Extra-curricular activities at the Institute of Medical Education are aimed at the development of soft skills in a comfortable, open atmosphere that allows students to successfully adapt to new conditions. Medical degrees are one of the most difficult professional choices and require utmost dedication and focus from the student. Problems of students’ adaptation are especially acute during the first months of study. To address such difficulties, we have a mentor program for first year students. It serves to support them as they embark on their journey through higher education.
Today, the students of Almazov Centre are faced with the task of becoming the elite of the Russian medicine through education in an innovative medical school. The coronavirus pandemic has shown that a doctor must be not only knowledgeable and skilled but also heroic. Today, a new concept has emerged: “hero skills”, it reflects the heroism of medical workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. Students of all levels at the Institute of Medical Education of Almazov Centre took part in the fight against COVID-19. They helped medical staff not only at the Centre but also were on mobile teams in almost 20 regions of Russia.